In the year 20XX Earth was invaded by the Amargi Empire, in an act of desperation the United Nations turned to cybernetics to create a new breed of super soldiers. Our hero Jacksin was conscripted into the 16th (Cybernetics) Battalion of the Royal New Zealand Defence Force and fought bravely on many fronts for many years.

Jacksin has now been demobilised and is struggling to adapt back to civilian life with his family. Unfortunately his Veterans Pension has been drastically reduced due to budget cuts and he can no longer afford the immunosuppressants that keep his body and cybernetics in harmony. Can he learn to take control of himself without his medicine...

and maybe...

one day...

start to love his laser again?

The team

If you’ve gotten this far, Hello! Here’s a little note about us

The main reason we made the game is to have a crack at making a game! We’ve never made a game or entered a jam before!

We’re a team of

  • 1 Dad who’s been learning to program and learning Gadot on and off over the last year or so, and can make sounds with his mouth
  • 1 Dad who’s got 10 years experience as a software engineer, but has never used a game engine
  • 1 non-Dad who can draw better than the rest of us in Gimp
  • 1 Dad who’s Scottish… 

We kept the scope small and the goal achievable and we’re stoked with what we’ve made! <3


StepOnWood-013.wav by kretopi -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Copyright 2012 "Commando Team (Action)" Grégoire Lourme <> Copyright 2012 Iwan Gabovitch "Commando Team (Action) [loop cut]" (editing to make it loop)

Heartbeat loop by .name -- -- License: Attribution 4.0

Updated 4 hours ago
Published 1 day ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Authorsdiscoaaron, Discorderant, SwagdalfTheCray, deltaclima
Made withGodot

Development log


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As a non-dad this is an excellent look into dad life.